Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Alexandra Stan - interview@NRJ Radio (Québec - Canada)



Alexandra Stann is a girl , just a little girl who has the proper tools to entertain audience and she worked hard for them. We all know that for singing we need talent but sometimes the natural talent is not enough.
There are thousands of girls that sing , dance , and all of them have beautifull voices but not all of them are succesfull.
That brings us to the question :

- What are the other skills that a girl must have for being succesfull ?
For some of fans just having a great voice is not enough.
An artist must be sexy , Art is sexy ! But there are so many sexy female singers that are not succesfull.

You already know where i'm trying to reach with this.
The truth is that the harmony must be in every artist that wants to achieve a great succes !

What do you think , Alexandra Stan needs for a greater succes ?